
Going back in time Italy revisited

Here's a three photos that I merged using photoshop that I took while visiting the tomb of the unknown soldier in Rome. Tweaked this somewhat in Adobe Photoshop CS4 (trial)

This last week I've been going through the Italy trip pictures and post processing them (trip dates: 8/23/09 - 9/6/09(ish).  I went through the best of the best when we got home but quickly became frustrated with the lack of PC memory and the time it took to work with the raw files. Since then I have purchased some more memory from Discount Electronics here in the Austin, Tx. area - they are awesome for Dell stuff. Also really enjoyed the free trial of Lightroom 2 from the Adobe site. I know I've said this before but it really is a great application. It even makes quick masking of photos a breeze. Seriously! I'm hoping to make the plunge with this application ASAP. It's like Picasa only a thousand times better.


slight adjustments in Adobe photoshop CS

Same photo modified using Adobe's Lightroom 2.
Desaturated and masked the clouds a bit

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