
Google Google google...always changing things. Good, Bad, and Indifferent

A while back I wanted to update my blog and bummed to find out that in order to upload photo's I had to utilize
a google web album for photo storage.  In the past you were able to link from another site - a smugmug site to be specific.  This was a real convenience for me - not having to watermark another photo.  Just adds another item to my to do list - Thanks Google.

Sorry for that.  I had an awesome experience this past 4th of July.  My wife and I have moved from Texas and are back in the Colorado/Wyoming area and love it.  We made it into town just in time for the Gillette fireworks display.  I was fortunate enough to have my wife watch the kids while I photographed the city fireworks display.

Here's another image that I thought came out well.  This was towards the end of the show.  The settings that I used were f16 with a 3 second shutter speed.  In order to keep the fire work blasts from over-exposing I put my hand over the lens after about 2 seconds.  This kept the fireworks from burning (over-exposing) out.
I hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th of July - I know I did!!
* all images are copyrighted - www.aspenroadimages.com

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